Cat Ceramic Group


CATCERAMIC is made up of a large group of professionals dedicated to the world of renovation and new construction.
Starting with store salespeople who know in detail all the possibilities of home products: flooring of all types for interior and exterior, bathroom coverings, various furniture for kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, ...
Our team expands with the collaboration with professionals in the renovation, plumbing, electricity, carpentry, painting and cleaning sectors. We take care of the overall management of the work with professionals affiliated with interior renovation and extensive experience in the sector. 





In our showroom we have a wide selection of products of different sizes and formats. We dedicate the entire ground floor to the exhibition of all types of porcelain flooring, both small size and especially large format. As with the wall coverings, where we expand the selection with natural stone.
Conversely, on the upper floor we offer an exhibition of both real bathroom spaces, as well as complete kitchens and home furnishings. 

